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Pneu Nimbus Dual Column (PST-pneu-Nimbus-NF)



Product Information

Product Type



Pneu Nimbus Dual Column (PST-pneu-Nimbus-NF)
Auto-pneu-dual-column nanospray source for Thermo nanoFlex source and sheath gas option. Using Nanoflex source and only the column rail, electronics, HV switching are included.

Pneu Nimbus Dual Column NanoLC Source features:

  • Substantially reduces carryover and improves data quality by washing the sample, column and emitter off-axis.
  • The high voltage for spraying is switched off for the off-axis column, eliminating any possibility for cross-talk.
  • On-board computer positions one column for analysis while performing off-axis loading, washing and equilibration on the second column.
  • Dual column automated system increases NanoLC throughput by up to 100%.
  • Proprietary Active Spray Control utilizes nitrogen to purge and clean the emitter.
  • Magnetic column rail for easy column installation and removal.
  • Magnetically engaged and removable Spray-heads with sheath gas.

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