Together with our partner company SIS, we offer two types of Cleaning Kits to help you clean your instrument: the Major Source Cleaning Kit and the Minor Source Cleaning Kit.
Major Source Cleaning Kit (Part No. SK1)
- 1 Dremel Moto-tool kit – 110VAC
- 2 Micro Mesh Board
- 1 Polishing compound
- 500 Cotton Tipped Applicators
- 5 Felt Polishing Tips
- 1 600 Grit Aluminum Oxide
- 12 Felt Polishing Wheel, 1/2″ dia.
- 1 Disposable Dust-Off XL
- 5 Felt Polishing Wheel, 1″ dia.
- 1 Tweezer Set
- 2 Mandrels for Polishing Wheels
- 1 Six Piece Screwdriver Set
- 1 Mandrels for Polishing Tip
- 1 Needle Nose Pliers
- 24 Pair of Nylon Gloves
- 1 Binocular Magnifier
- 300 Clean Tex Cloths, 9″ x 9″wipes
- 2 Micro Mesh Abrasive Sheet Kit
- 1 SIS Source Cleaning Instructions
Minor Source Cleaning Kit (Part No. SK2)
- 24 Nylon Gloves, Large, Case of 24 pair
- 300 Clean Tex Cloths, 9″ x 9″ wipes
- 2 Micro Mesh Abrasive Sheet Kit
- 2 Micro Mesh Polishing File Board
- 500 Cotton Tipped Applicators, pkg. of 100,
- 1 4 oz. of 600 Grit Aluminum Oxide
- 1 Disposable Dust-Off XL,
- 1 Tweezer Set,
- 1 Six Piece Jewelers Screwdriver Set,
- 1 Binocular Magnifier,
- 1 SIS Source Cleaning Instructions
NOTE for Enquiry:
When requesting your quote on our website please be sure to specify the SIS product(s) that you want, by adding the Part No. (which you can find on the SIS website) into the Message-box in your enquiry cart like in the example below.
Example: if you want to request a quote for the Major Source Cleaning Kit, please type in your Message-box: “Part No. SK1”.