ABIRD – the Active Background Ion Reduction Device for nanospray is used in top labs worldwide to improve signal-to-noise ratios of peptides and produces a consistent low-level background ion signal. The ABIRD is most effective at improving peptide identification on older ion trap instruments that have a lower duty cycle than the newest models.
ABIRD affords you a consistent background ion signal that allows the ion trap to fill with interesting peptide ions rather than pesky background ions. It can help keep those internal lenses and quads cleaner, as the inlet is isolated from dust and debris that might enter the instrument. You can mount the ABIRD to the Flex Ion and Easy Spray sources, and on Thermo instruments as well.
What will ABIRD do for your nano-ESI-MS system?
- Firstly, ABIRD can reduce background ion signal in full MS during nanospray-ESI analyses.
- Secondly, ABIRD can isolate your instrument from spikes in lab air, vital for extended quantitative analyses.
- ABIRD can also enhance signal-to-noise ratios across a wide mass range.
- Besides that, ABIRD can impart a consistent low-level chromatographic baseline across a full gradient.
- ABIRD can also improve the identification of proteins in complex low-level protein mixtures*.
- And ABIRD uses no supplied gasses, just eco-friendly high capacity chemical filters. ABIRD can fit to a variety of source and instrument combinations including Thermo Fisher, Waters, Bruker, Proxeon, New Objective, and Advion.
* Top labs have repeatedly shown ABIRD improving peptide identification up to 50% on complex low-level samples. This is possible when you have excellent capillary chromatography and nanospray interface, a well tuned and calibrated instrument and adequate search engines for analyzing the data.
Click here to visit our online catalog, and request your quote for the ABIRD.
Information Videos:
The Active Background Ion Reduction Device (ABIRD)
Watch this video from ESI Source Solutions’ John Neveu, for an overview about their flagship product the Active Background Ion Reduction Device (ABIRD).
See for yourself what the ABIRD can do in this video in which the ABIRD is turned ON and OFF. Note the amount of background ions in the lab air.
For more information on ESI Source Solutions, click here.