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The Wiley spectral libraries are offering millions of spectra for confident compound identification across various techniques, including GCMS.

Wiley Registry of Mass Spectral Data, 2023

Wiley, 2023
ISBN 978-1-119-73632-5

The field-tested and proven Wiley Registry® of Mass Spectral Data continues to empower laboratories worldwide. The 2023 release of this vital MS database provides access to over 873,000 spectra with expanded coverage to expedite your workflow even further. Designed for use across multiple applications, from untargeted GC-MS screening to accurate mass workflows with MS-TOF instruments, this collection ensures confidence in your lab’s spectral search results, even in the most in demanding applications.
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Wiley Registry/NIST Mass Spectral Library, 2023

Wiley, 2023
ISBN 978-1-394-19797-2

The Wiley Registry/NIST Mass Spectral Library 2023 is the most comprehensive combined mass spectral library commercially available, with over 3 million spectra (includes EI and tandem MS data) making it the clear choice for general unknown compound identification. Broad, up-to-date compound coverage ensures identification across multiple use cases and a wide variety of analytes.
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Wiley Registry of Mass Spectral Data, 12th Edition

Wiley, March 2020
ISBN 978-1-119-17102-7

The field-tested Wiley Registry® of Mass Spectral Data, 12th Edition is the largest mass spectral library commercially available, providing over double the compound coverage of our competitors. Applications include untargeted GC-MS screening and accurate mass workflows with MS-TOF instruments.
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Wiley NIST/EPA/NIH Mass Spectral Library, 2023

Wiley, 2023
ISBN 978-1-394-19872-6

One of the most trusted mass spectral libraries has once more been extensively updated. The NIST / EPA / NIH Mass Spectral Library 2023, developed by the experienced mass spectrometry team at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), represents the culmination of more than four decades of comprehensive evaluation and expansion, making it an essential resource for those analyzing mass spectra.

For more information, see the Product Sheet.

Mass Spectra of Flavors and Fragrances of Natural and Synthetic Compounds, 3rd Edition

Luigi Mondello, October 2015
ISBN 978-1-119-06984-3

This innovative MS library for natural and synthetic products (essential oils, perfumes, etc.) makes the identification of unknown compounds in complex mixtures easier, faster, and more reliable. The use of chromatographic information, such as Linear Retention Index (LRI) data, can be used to filter MS results, enabling the more reliable peak assignment of components in complex mixtures. This software contains >3,400 mass spectra, LRI retention data, calculated kovats RI, and searchable chemical structures of compounds of interest for the flavors and fragrances industry.
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Mass Spectra of Pesticides with Retention Indices, 2nd Edition

Luigi Mondello, July 2016
ISBN 978-1-119-28404-8

This database contains 1,300 pesticide molecules classified in 20 different classes. This edition features 342 new pesticides compounds, 1,300 LRI values on a SLB-5ms column, and 147 LRI values on a EQUITY-1 column. Mass spectra, relative to standard and well-known simple matrix components, were obtained and recorded through GC-qMS separation/identification.
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LIPIDS Mass Spectral Database

Luigi Mondello,
July 2016
ISBN 978-1-119-28938-8

Extensively validated to ensure positive lipid identification
The Lipids Mass Spectral Database contains 430 GC mass spectra registered from a pure standard and categorized into 11 classes of lipids. The database provides significant support for peak assignment in complex mixtures, making it a valuable tool in many research areas such as food analysis and clinical and medical applications. Over 1,400 Linear Retention Index (LRI) values for the 430 lipid-like molecules, experimentally calculated for each standard under repeatable chromatographic conditions and using three different stationary phases, namely SLB-5ms, Equity-1, and Supelcowax-10 (Supelco). LRI were also calculated using different reference mixtures, namely alkanes, fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs), and fatty acid ethyl esters (FAEEs). Additional component information such as CAS number, common name, systematic name, nominal mass (as Mol Wt.), compound formula, chemical class, and suppliers of the standards are also included.
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FAMEs Library

FAMES: Fatty Acid Methyl Ester Mass Spectral Library

Luigi Mondello,
July 2016
ISBN 978-1-118-14394-0

The FAMEs Fatty Acid Methyl Esters: Mass Spectral Database contains over 240 spectra and structures of fatty acid methyl esters, including their Linear Retention Index and calculated Kovats Retention Index registered using an alkane mixture on an apolar column and using also a FAMEs and FAEEs (fatty acid ethyl esters) mixture on a polar column. The addition of the retention index data enables more reliable compound matching and identification of unknowns. While other methods such as LC-MS/MS can be used, when using such a highly selective method, technicians can only detect what they are looking for, while when performing broader TIC screening using GC/MS, no information is lost. Applications include building FAMEs profiles of target bacteria (e.g. pseudomonas aeruginosa) contain:

  • The mass spectrum, searchable structure, chemical information, and LRI retention data.
  • Records indexed by name, molecular weight, and retention time
  • Highly controlled: Measured on a single instrument in controlled conditions
  • Quality samples sourced from leading suppliers and manufacturers
wiley mass spectra of organic compounds

Mass Spectra of Organic Compounds (SpecData)

Alexander Yarkov, October 2004
ISBN 978-0-47166-773-5
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Mass Spectra of Volatiles in Food, 2nd Edition

Central Institute of Nutrition and Food Research, December 2003
ISBN 978-0-471-64825-3
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Mass Spectra of Pesticides 2009

Rolf Kühnle,
January 2009
ISBN 978-3-527-32488-0

This new 2009 collection includes 1238 high quality mass spectra of pesticides such as insecticides, acaroids, nematicides, fungicides, rodenticides, mollucicides and repellents. The mass spectra are unreduced. Chemical structure, CAS RN, synonym and systematic name, molecular weight, molecular formula and experimental conditions complete the data record. Available Database Formats: Agilent Chemstation; NIST MSSEARCH; Finnigan GCQ, SSQ, TSQ, ICIS, INCOS,Iontrap, ITS40, Magnum; INCOS; PE Turbomass; Shimadzu QP-5000; Thermo Galactic SpectralID; Varian Saturn;VG Labbase, Masslab; Waters Masslynx; Xcalibur.
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GC-MS Library of Drugs, Poisons, and Their Metabolites, 6th Edition

Hans H. Maurer, Markus R. Meyer, Karl Pfleger, Armin A. Weber, 2023
ISBN: 978-3-527-35286-9

The most comprehensive reference for clinical and forensic toxicologists has once more been extensively updated. The Maurer Meyer Pfleger Weber (MMPW) spectral database contains experimental data that are relevant to the analytical toxicologist. To aid in compound identification, all substances are classified according to their toxicological categories. Methods are now provided with the database in a convenient PDF format.

Developed and updated by the renowned toxicology group in Saarland, Hans H. Maurer, Markus Meyer, and Armin Weber, the Maurer, Meyer, Pfleger, Weber: GC-MS Library of Drugs, Poisons, and Their Metabolites 6th Edition is one of the most esteemed spectral databases for GC-MS identification and is globally recognized and relied upon by toxicologists, forensic scientists, coroners, and environmental chemists in the identification of drugs, poisons, and other toxins, and their metabolites.
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Mass Spectral and GC Data of Drugs, Poisons, Pesticides, Pollutants, and Their Metabolites, 5th Edition

Hans H. Maurer, Karl Pfleger, Armin A. Weber, December 2016
ISBN: 978-3-527-34327-0

This innovative reference library for clinical and forensic toxicologists has once more been extensively updated. The 5th Edition of Mass Spectral Library of Drugs, Poisons, Pesticides, Pollutants and their Metabolites sees the addition of 1,780 data sets, bringing the total to 10,430 mass spectra and GC retention indices. Of the 175 categories included, This library showcases both past and present psychoactive substances, along with almost all relevant therapeutic drugs and 7,800 of their metabolites. This library comes as a set bundled with two hardcover volumes and CD software compatible with most instrumentation manufacturers.
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Designer Drugs 2024

Mass Spectra of Designer Drugs 2024

Peter Rösner, 2024
ISBN 978-3-527-35390-3

Designer drugs are constantly evolving, and in order to keep up, you need access to the most recent spectral data.

Updated annually, Mass Spectra of Designer Drugs remains the most comprehensive MS collection of designer drugs, pharmaceuticals, chemical warfare agents, and related substances. That’s why forensic, clinical, and toxicological laboratories throughout the globe rely on this comprehensive high-quality spectral database to identify illicit substances fast.

This mass spectral library includes 35,094 mass spectra of 26,712 unique chemical compounds with detailed information and chemical structures for each entry. It includes data from both legal and underground literature, providing the most comprehensive picture of these compounds. Data are carefully compiled in cooperation with the Regional Departments of Criminal Investigation and other partners worldwide. As far as possible, spectra were verified by standard mass spectra libraries and checked by mass spectral interpretations.
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Mass Spectra of Geochemicals, Petrochemicals and Biomarkers (SpecData)

Wolfgang Robien, February 2014
ISBN 978-3-527-33858-0

Optimize oil exploration and positively identify compounds with reliable biomarkers
Mass Spectra of Geochemicals, Petrochemicals and Biomarkers (SpecData) is a high-quality database for organic, geo, and/or petrochemist featuring 1,093 mass spectra of well-defined compounds. Chemical structures elucidated, if necessary, by a variety of techniques including NMR spectroscopy and single-crystal x-ray structure analysis. These spectra were collected during an extensive project on the occurrence of resistant biomacromolecules and lipids in sedimentary organic matter and mechanisms of fossil fuel generation, as well as the chemistry of organic sulphur in the geosphere. The spectra have been measured by J. W. de Leeuw’s group in the Department of Marine Biogeochemistry at the Netherlands Institute of Sea Research (NIOZ). The substances have been carefully isolated and purified. Substance classes include saturated and unsaturated aromatic hydrocarbons, aromatic and non-aromatic sulphur and oxygen compounds, terpenes, and steroids and their degradation products.
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Mass Spectra of Physiologically Active Substances: Including Drugs, Steroid Hormones, and Endocrine Disruptors 2011

Maria Kristina Parr, Georg Opfermann, Wilhelm Schanzer,
Hugh L. J. Makin, March 2011
ISBN: 978-3-527-32727-0
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