Welcome to Protter !
The open-source tool for visualization of proteoforms and interactive integration of annotated and predicted sequence features together with experimental proteomic evidence!
The ability to integrate and visualize experimental proteomic evidence in the context of rich protein feature annotations represents an unmet need of the proteomics community. Here we present Protter, a web-based tool that supports interactive protein data analysis and hypothesis generation by visualizing both annotated sequence features and experimental proteomic data in the context of protein topology. The tool supports numerous proteomic file formats and automatically integrates a variety of reference protein annotation sources, which can be readily extended via modular plug-ins. A built-in export function produces publication-quality customized protein illustrations, also for large datasets. Visualizations of surfaceome datasets show the specific utility of Protter for the integrated visual analysis of membrane proteins and peptide selection for targeted proteomics.
Tips & Tricks:
- Run Protter on your own computer: You can run the progam on your own server or even on your laptop! Just follow the installation instructions on the download page.
- Embed or link Protter images in your own web pages or reports: Use Protter to create your protein visualization, export it to ‘png’ format, copy and paste the URL of the png file to your web page or report. Also, have a look at all the parameters encoded in the URL which allows you to generate custom Protter images automatically! More info: click here.