This source design (UWPR) is from University of Washington and your choice if you are seeking a Nano LC source with
- ultimate flexibility
- have to deal with budget constrains
- need to upgrade as research develops further
Thanks to esp. Priska von Haller and Michael J. MacCoss for putting flexible design together
This UWPR nanospray source comes as a kit can be adjusted to fit all Thermo instruments such as LTQ, Orbitrap, Q-Exactive, TSQ Quantiva, Thermo Orbitrap Fusion just to name a few.
UWPR Key features:
- Lower flow rates over standard ESI sources, does not need drying gas or thermal heating,
- Increase the sensitivity compared to higher flow ESI
- Higher tolerance to a wide variety of liquid compositions than conventional ESI
This kit source offers you great flexibility: It will not only accommodate in house packed columns of all length but also commercial columns, as well as configurations with traps, spray tips etc.
You can order your build kit with high quality Video systems just as the once used by Proxeon.
The source can be customized to your specific needs: e.g. mounting of cameras, LED lights, Laserpointer light, ABirds, column ovens (PST pencil heaters work great) or anything else you can think of……
Additionally this UWPR nanospray source can be used in conjunction with the Thermo probes
(static , dynamic and packed tip probe)
The open design allows for leaks to be detected immediately. This platform can also be used with the adapter ring of the Thermo source, eliminating the need to machine the adapter bracket.
This UWPR nanospray source is proven on various Thermo instruments, mainly on Orbitrap.